
Another World Blog is distilled by an American freelance writer named Brandon who lives in the Netherlands. His photos and words have appeared in publications and tomes on no  less than two continents.  Neither of them include Antarctica.

This blog first took flight in October of 2003. Formerly known as Welcome to Blog and located at laurabush.info, it was renamed Another Portland Blog in January of 2008 and moved to anotherportlandblog.com. It changed URLs and its name again in April of 2011. Now it’s Another World Blog. The title is a play on words. Get it? Get it? Eh…



– The Oregonian’s “Pop Talk” column mentioned Welcome to Blog in regards to a short video featuring a certain New Jersey mobster (or at least his cardboard doppelganger). The column can be found here. The video can be found over here.

– In February and March of 2006, Oregonian columnist Margie Boule wrote two articles in response to a series of post that appeared on Welcome to Blog. At the time, the author was having problems convincing the city of Portland to do anything about an abandoned vehicle on his property. Ms. Boule’s articles can be found here and here. The original post can be found here.

– Welcome to Blog received a favorable review in the July 7th, 2004 issue of Willamette Week. Here’s what they had to say:

“Anyone willing to co-opt the first lady’s name for a web address creates high expectations, which [the author] meets with style. The blog is unpredictable, witty and insightful, featuring a fair mix of Portland gossip and general notes on pop culture.”



“Well, Another Portland Blog, that’s kind of like the whole concept of Coraline, the other world, the other version of things. “

– Henry Selick, the director of The Nightmare Before Christmas (and Coraline).

“We’ve come to expect no less than greatness from [Another Portland Blog].”

-Jack Bogdanski of Jack Bog’s Blog, no doubt bein’ all snarky.

“I hate your other readers so much. SO MUCH!”

-Timothy Drier, former Editor in Chief of The Oregon Commentator.

“First, did you smoke crack, do you know anything about crack, do you sell crack? If you don’t then shut up. Since you have no understanding of mental illness, drug addiction, or movies, I found you tiresome and trite. Thank God I live 3,000 miles away from your stereotyping and cliched person.”

-Kathryn Jean “K-Lo” Lopez, nationally syndicated columnist and editor of the National Review Online.

“It makes for a very enjoyable read.”

-Francesco Marciuliano, the author of the nationally syndicated comic strip Sally Forth.



All posts, photographs and crudely-drawn cartoons present on these pages is the intellectual property of the author and any unauthorized attempt to use, claim authorship of, or create identity through the piracy of such materials is in strict violation of international copyright laws. Yup.

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